This means that just one HD 50K DNA test, when
applied to EPD calculations by AGI, provides as
much genetic information as more than a lifetime
of production from a typical cow, all before that
individual is even weaned.
DNA finds the differences
As there are billions of possible combinations of
DNA in even full siblings, there are significant
differences in quality and production of full brothers
and even flush mates. GE-EPDs are the most
reliable way to describe those differences. We
now have the ability to more objectively compare
animals that come from different management,
environments or small contemporary groups.
“We continue to work toward utilizing genomic data
in additional EPDs to benefit our members and their
commercial customers, regardless of herd size,”
says Sally Northcutt, director of genetic research,
AGI. “We are excited to make the Pfizer Animal
Genetics technology available to the industry as
part of our selection tools, and we encourage
breeders to visit our website for more information.”
In the last two decades, we have moved from
identification of half a dozen DNA markers to a few
hundred and, finally, an in-depth analysis of more than
54,000 markers across the genetic spectrum. This
high-density analysis provides a greater view into the
real genetics — and true potential — that different
animals possess and can transmit to their offspring.
More predictability in your decisions
Now you can make predictable decisions with
greater certainty, thanks to GE-EPDs powered
by HD 50K. This unique offering combines the
industry-leading AAA National Cattle Evaluation
EPDs with the industry’s first and only 54,000-marker
DNA panel from Pfizer Animal Genetics.
What are HD 50K percentile ranks?
• Percentile ranks are associated with each animal’s
molecular breeding values and are benchmarked
against a database of nearly 20,000 HD
50K-tested Angus animals.
• The percentile ranks range from 1 to 100, with
lower values generally indicating more favorable
How can this make a difference in your buying
Now you can more predictably identify animals
that are:
• Superior for transmitting genetics for expressed
progeny performance
• Progeny that excel in traits related to your
breeding objectives
• Superior in genetic merit for traits not measured
by EPDs
Table 1. GE-EPDs and
Approximate Progeny Equivalents
Progeny Equivalents*
Calving Ease Direct (CED)
Birth Weight (BW)
Weaning Weight (WW)
Yearling Weight (YW)
Carcass Weight (CW)
Marbling (MB)
Rib Eye Area (RE)
All brands are the property of their respective owners. ©2013 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved.
*Approximate progeny equivalents associated with accuracy of GE-EPDs based on pedigree
and HD 50K information. Progeny equivalents for carcass traits are actual progeny carcass
records — equates to ultrasound scans from more than 30 progeny.
Please join us Thursday night, Feb. 28, for a CAB steak dinner
and cattlemen’s discussion on DNA and value opportunities.
Tonya Amen — Angus Genetics, Inc
Kent Andersen — Pfizer Animal Genetics
Nolan Stone — JBS Five Rivers
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