“From all of us at Express Ranches, we invite you to attend our New Mexico Angus Bull Sale.”
Bob Funk, owner :: Jarold Callahan, president
2202 N. 11th Street :: Yukon, Oklahoma 73099
800-664-3977 :: 405-350-0044 ::
On Behalf of Express Ranches, Welcome…
Welcome to the Fourth Express Ranches New Mexico Bull Sale to be held at the Cuervo Creek
Ranch, Newkirk, New Mexico. These bulls have been developed on high roughage diet in the
semi-arid terrain of New Mexico at 4,800-ft. elevation. These bulls are stout, full of muscle
and ready to go to work. They will get out and travel the country and have the disposition
which cattlemen demand.
We want to give a special thanks to Mark Whetten, Donny Estrada and the crew from the
Cuervo Creek Ranch for their excellent care and development of this great set of bulls.
One of the most important decisions cattlemen have to make is bull selection. Proper bull
selection allows us to optimize opportunities to turn a profit and maximize and, labor and
cowherd. At Express, we constantly strive to blend technology with common sense to supply
you with the best bulls we can produce.
If Mark Whetten, Kevin Hafner or I can assist or answer any questions or supply additional
information, please don’t hesitate to call.
Jarold Callahan
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