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most reliable way to describe those differences. As an
example, two sisters at Express in 2010 showed exactly
the same Interim EPDs from parentage prediction. When
DNA evaluation was included by AGI, one flush sister
moved to a +1.13 for marbling and the other went to
+.79. There was no scan data available for these full
sisters — their predictive EPD for marbling moved
exclusively with DNA results.
We now have the ability to more objectively compare
animals that come from different management,
environments or small contemporary groups.
“We continue to work toward utilizing genomic data
in additional EPDs to benefit our members and their
commercial customers, regardless of herd size,” says
Sally Northcutt, director of genetic research, AGI. “We
are excited to make the Pfizer technology available to the
industry as part of our selection tools, and we encourage
breeders to visit our website for more information.”
In the last two decades we have moved from
identification of half a dozen DNA markers to a few
hundred, and finally an in-depth analysis of more than
50,000 markers across the genetic spectrum. This
high-density analysis provides a greater view into the
real genetics, and true potential, that different animals
possess and can transmit to their offspring.
More Certainty in Your Decisions
Now you can make purchasing decisions with greater
certainty, thanks to GE-EPDs powered by the HD 50K.
This unique offering combines the industry-leading AAA
National Cattle Evaluation EPDs with the industry’s first and
only 54,000-marker DNA panel from Pfizer Animal Genetics.
What are GE-EPDs?
• GE-EPDs combine pedigree information and
performance data from the animal, its relatives and
progeny with HD 50K genomic information.
• GE-EPDs are expressed in units of the trait and more
dependably rank animals for less risky and more
profitable selection decisions.
What are HD 50K percentile ranks?
• Percentile ranks are associated with each animal’s
molecular breeding values and are benchmarked
against a database of nearly 8,000 HD 50K-tested
Angus animals.
• The percentile ranks range from 1 to 100, with lower
values generally indicating more favorable ranks.
How can this make a difference in your buying
Now you can more dependably identify animals
that are:
• Superior for transmitting genetics for expressed
progeny performance
• More likely to excel in traits related to your breeding
• Superior in genetic merit for traits not measured
by EPDs
Birth Weight
Weaning Weight
Residual Average Daily Gain
Yearling Weight
Milking Ability
Carcass Weight
Fat Thickness
Ribeye Area
Marbling Score
Dry matter intake
Post-weaning ADG
Carcass progeny records — equivalent to more than
30 scanned progeny records
All brands are the property of Pfizer Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. ©2011 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved.
Table 1. GE-EPDs and
Approximate Progeny Equivalents
Please join us at Express Ranches on Thursday evening, March 1
for a special commercial cattlemen's discussion on the topic of
"More Dependable Bull Buying with Genomic-Enhanced EPDs."
Speakers include:
Bill Bowman, Angus Genetics Inc., Kent Andersen, Pfizer Animal Genetics
& Mark McCully, Certified Angus Beef