Danielle Foster

My EXpress Story

Telling my EXpress story is telling a story 11 years in the making. Over the years I have been very fortunate to show numerous EXpress heifers which have EXcelled in the show ring at various shows and more importantly EXceeded our EXpectations as cows in our herd. There are numerous reasons why my family continued to purchase EXpress cattle over the years and therefore, there are multiple reasons I would recommend that juniors purchase an EXpress heifer and get involved in the EXpress program.

The first reason are all the people that work at EXpress; not only their help and support at the shows but the constant support which is always only a call away. My family and I have been very fortunate to find amazing friendships with many members of the crew. If the potential customers do not believe how amazing the people at EXpress are, I would share the story of visiting the ranch during the 2006 LEAD conference. We all had such an incredible time and every person at the ranch was warm and welcoming. The EXpress crew was behind me the whole way during my reign as Miss American Angus. All in all, it is always EXciting to see everyone from EXpress!

The second reason I would recommend any junior purchase an EXpress heifer is the guaranteed success in and out of the show ring; meaning that competitive cattle can be purchased and scholarships result from your heifer’s success. The Progressive Junior Scholarship Program is a way of guaranteeing the future success of the phenomenal juniors within the Angus industry by helping them to pursue an education……………………….

The Progressive Junior Scholarship Program provides many life lessons. The first lesson is that hard work pays off. Purchasing the cattle is the first step but the work the exhibitor puts into the cattle will influence the results that the exhibitor experiences in the end………………………..

Another lesson is the loyalty that EXpress Ranches demonstrates to the juniors and their overall support of the Angus industry. The Progressive Junior Scholarship Program rewards returning customers who purchase Express heifers with increased levels of funding for their success. It is important that juniors learn to demonstrate similar loyalty to the industry, just like Express Ranches has done through the scholarship program. The Scholarship Program also helps to provide juniors with financial lessons by helping them to think about financing for college at an early age…………………..

Thank you to everyone at EXpress for everything that you all do. My years with EXpress heifers are filled with memories and success, my EXpress story is such an EXciting story that will always be with me.